Budget-Friendly Creamy Spinach Dip

When company is coming over, the last thing you want to do is spend time fussing over the appetizers. With this recipe for Budget-Friendly Creamy Spinach Dip at your fingertips, you can quickly and easily make a delicious dip in advance of your event. The five-ingredient recipe won't take long to prepare and can chill in your refrigerator for a few hours. When you're ready to start your party, simply serve the dip with some of your favorite dip accompaniments, including pita chips, Hawaiian bread, or fresh vegetables. If you're fortunate enough to have leftovers of this dip, then consider using it the next day as a sandwich spread.
Makes4 cups
Preparation Time15 min
Chilling Time2 hr
Make Ahead RecipeYes
Five Ingredients or LessYes