15 Cheap Valentine's Day Ideas
The best Valentine's Day ideas you can enjoy together while on a budget!

For some of us, one month between the holidays and Valentine's Day isn't enough time to pay off bills, rebuild our savings, or put enough aside to buy our special someone the Valentine's Day gift they really want. With all of the ads, movies, and TV shows celebrating this day of love and romance, it can also be a bit daunting to keep up with everybody else.
At CheapThriftyLiving.com, however, we're putting our foot down on expensive Valentine's Day gifts. It's not the gift that makes this day of romance so special, it's the moments we spend together with our loved ones - those quiet, intimate days or evenings together where we unplug from the world around us. This list of cheap Valentine's Day ideas has all sorts of unique ideas where you can enjoy each other's company. These date ideas are simple activities you can enjoy at home for free, as well as low-cost dates you can spend together out on the town.
We've also included cheap Valentine's Day gift ideas that you can easily put together and craft on almost no budget. Make Valentine's Day special this year, and focus on creating more memories together.
Cheap Valentine's Day Ideas
1. Take a hike... together.
Dress for the weather, hop in the car, and drive out to your favorite state park, the beach, or some strip of unexplored terrain where you can have an adventure together! It's the perfect, inexpensive date where you two can step away from your busy lives and enjoy the majesty of the natural world.
With the addition of some cheese, crackers, and a bottle of wine, you could also have a bonus romantic picnic out in the wilderness.
2. Put Together a Valentine's Day To-Do List
For the goal-oriented romantic partners, coming up with a to-do list can be a fantastic and fun way to celebrate together. Print out this easy to-do list worksheet (it's free!), write down your favorite activities together, and spend the day crossing out all of the amazing mini-dates you go on! With a to-do list, the world truly is your oyster, and you can make your Valentine's Day is relaxed or intense as your list-loving heart desires.
Get the worksheet

3. Spend the Day at the Library
This cheap Valentine's Day date idea is for bookworms! If you're like me, finding time to visit the library can be difficult when our lives are so busy. If you and your loved one enjoy reading or spending quiet time together, spending the day at the library makes perfect sense! Walk down the aisles of your favorite section and revel at all of the amazing titles you have yet to read.
For fun, consider picking out a book that your loved one should read, and have him or her do the same for you. Then, find the comfiest couches and just enjoy lounging around together over some good reads in a nice and peaceful atmosphere.
4. Plan a Vacation
It's always nice to dream together, and planning a vacation is one way to take actionable steps towards a goal you both want to achieve. It doesn't have to be an expensive vacation, either! There are plenty of places you can visit that won't cost you an arm and a leg, and conveniently, we actually have a guide on Cheap Places to Travel in the US.
Check out our Cheap Travel Guide

5. Create a Scavenger Hunt
With a little bit of planning and just a handful of supplies, you could create a puzzling and cute scavenger hunt for your loved one. Using your keen knowledge of every nook and cranny in your home and with some pens and sticky notes, you could transform your living space into one exciting game.
Don't give too many hints. If they love you, they should be able to figure it out.
6. Bust Out the Board Games!
In the back of at least one closet in every home in America, there's a stack of board games that often go unused. Valentine's Day is the perfect day to dust those games off, clear a table, and feel young at heart with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
If, for some reason, you don't have any board games, there are plenty of stores you can visit and take the plunge on a new and exciting game. You can also scour the web for printable paper games or exciting ways to construct your own board games with materials you have around the house.
7. Cook a Homemade Meal Together
Spending time in the kitchen together can be a cathartic and festive event. It's a great way to talk about your day while accomplishing a goal - you both get to eat! Plus, it's quality time where you have to communicate and work together, which is what Valentine's Day is all about.
Need ideas for cheap meals? We have ideas for days.
Get Cheap Recipe Ideas Here

8. Rent a Movie
With the advent of Redbox and a plethora of streaming rental services, it's never been easier to find something cheap and afforable to watch. Picking out a movie together can be a fun way to gauge each other's interests and talk about your favorite genres, films, actors and actresses, and directors.
9. Celebrate With Wine And a Cheese Board
One of the most fun food experiences couples can have together is with a cheese (or charcuterie) board. These boards have smaller portions with a variety of different styles and types of cheeses and meats. They're a convenient way to explore different flavors from cultures all over the world without filling up on any one particular food. While there are many restaurants that serve these types of boards, it can be an exhilirating experience to make your own.
Set a budget, and visit your local grocery store. Pick out smaller cheese wedges and various deli meats you've always wanted to try. When you get home, lay them out neatly on a wooden board. Don't forget to pick up a bottle of your favorite wine, so you can clink glasses while you explore a world of flavors together. Cheers!
10. Pick a Nearby Location You've Never Explored, And Plan a Road Trip
Depending on where you live, there could be plenty of cities or small towns within driving distance that you could explore! Valentine's Day is the perfect day to check off a destination that's always been on your to-visit list.
Find Even More Cheap Date Ideas Here

Cheap Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
11. Homemade Conversation Hearts Recipe
Conversation hearts are the quintessential Valentine's Day classic! Who doesn't love cute little candy hearts with lovey-dovey messages on them? With this homemade recipe, you can custom-make your own messages for your special someone.
Get the recipe

12. Fabric Heart Bookmarks
Is your special someone a reader? Then this fabric heart bookmark is the perfect gift! This easy DIY bookmark is soft and slips over the corner of the book, so as not to damage the pages or the spine. Whenever your significant other uses it, they'll be reminded how much they mean to you.
Get the pattern!

13. Chocolate Fondue Pots
What's the most romantic dish you could make on Valentine's Day? Chocolate fondue. With a slow cooker or Instant Pot, you could whip together a chocolate fondue for you and your special someone to enjoy together.
Get the recipe

14. "LOVE" DIY Valentine's Day Decoration
For less than $10, you can make a cute piece of decor to give to your special valentine. It's simple, adorable, and an unexpected way to shower someone with love on Valentine's Day.
Get the project

15. Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipe
With just 3 ingredients, you can give yourself and your loved one your own spa day at home! This Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipe is an easy and affordable way to pamper your loved one with that at-home spa experience.
Get the recipe

Have any cheap Valentine's Day ideas of your own? Tell us about them in the comments!
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