Diy Unicorn Bath Bombs
By: Melissa Hagan from outnumbered 3 to 1
Diy Unicorn Bath Bombs
"These diy unicorn bath bombs make a great party favor for unicorn parties. You can make these easily by following the step-by-step tutorial below and you may choose to make these with or without fragrance. HOW DO YOU MAKE BATH BOMBS? Bath bombs are very easy to make, and you will learn just how easy by following my tutorial below. You will need baking soda, Epsom salt, corn starch, and citric acid, along with a few other ingredients to make your own bath bombs. HOW LONG DO HOMEMADE BATH BOMBS LAST? Your homemade bath bombs should last around six months. After that time the citric acid will lose its potency, so the bath bombs won’t be as effective, or as fizzy."
Primary TechniqueGeneral Crafts